Rebates and incentives can be a great way to validate your move to a greener center. The tough part is finding out what utility can offer you the best incentives for your area. That is where we come in. Whether you are upgrading to LED Lighting on an existing property or have a new construction project, WLS does the research for you.
At WLS we use many resources to stay up to date with rebates, incentives, and grants for your project. Curious about what your next project may qualify for? Don’t worry about doing all the research yourself, let us take a look at your lighting project and let you know what rebates exist in your area to get you the best of what’s out there.
Rebate Application Process
In addition to our comprehensive research, we execute rebate/incentive applications for you. We coordinate with the installation of your project to meet any deadlines set by the rebate program. We don’t just do the research, we turnkey the entire application process so you don’t have to! Even when we do not provide a turnkey on the materials and installation of the lights, we can provide a turnkey for the rebate/incentive portion of the project.